Consumer Behavior

Personal Values and Brand Perception: Building a Relatable Brand


Meet Cody Strate: A Revenue-Driven Tech Marketer and Thought Leader




Personal Values and Brand Perception: Building a Relatable Brand
Personal Values and Brand Perception: Building a Relatable Brand

Discover how aligning a brand's values with its consumers' personal values, aspirations, and identity is not just a strategy but a necessity in today's market. This blog unveils the intricate relationship between consumer identity and brand perception, offering insights into why brands like Patagonia, TOMS, and Ben & Jerry's succeed. Will your brand resonate deeply with its audience or miss the mark?


Branding is more than just a logo or a catchy slogan; it's about creating a deep connection with your audience. In our previous discussion on "The Psychology of Branding: How Brand Identity Influences Consumer Decisions", we explored how brand identity shapes consumer decisions. Building on this foundation, we delve into the crucial role of personal values in branding and how they influence consumer perception and loyalty.

Understanding Consumer Values

Identifying and understanding your target audience's core values is more than just market research; it's about tapping into the essence of their identity. Our values reflect not only our beliefs and priorities but also how we perceive ourselves and wish to be perceived by the world. For example, the growing trend towards sustainability and ethical practices isn't just about consumer preferences. It mirrors a deeper societal shift where individuals increasingly associate their identity with environmental consciousness and social responsibility. This alignment with personal identity means that when consumers choose brands that share these values, they are not just purchasing a product or service; they are reinforcing and expressing their own identities. Understanding this connection is key for brands aiming to create meaningful and lasting relationships with their audience.

The Psychology Behind Values and Brand Perception

The interplay between consumer values and brand perception can be understood through various psychological theories:

  • Cognitive Dissonance Theory: This theory posits that consumers seek harmony between their beliefs and actions. When purchasing, they prefer brands aligned with their values to avoid the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.
  • Social Cultural Theories: These suggest that societal norms, trends, and cultural factors significantly influence consumer choices, often leading them to prefer brands that reflect their social identity.
  • Psychoanalytic Theories: These focus on the role of personality in consumer behavior, explaining how the interplay of ego, id, and superego influences buying decisions based on pleasure, morality, and reality.

Each of these theories provides insights into why consumers might choose brands that resonate with their personal values, reflecting a deeper connection beyond mere product utility.

Case Studies: Successful Brands Aligning with Consumer Values

  • Patagonia: Known for its environmental activism, Patagonia's commitment to sustainability deeply resonates with eco-conscious consumers. This alignment enhances brand loyalty and sets a benchmark in the market.
  • TOMS Shoes: With their "One for One" campaign, TOMS has built a strong brand perception around social responsibility. For every pair of shoes purchased, they donate a pair to those in need, appealing to consumers who value philanthropy.
  • Ben & Jerry's: This ice cream brand stands out for its dedication to social causes, including environmental sustainability and social justice. Their commitment to these values aligns with the beliefs of a significant segment of their consumer base, reinforcing brand loyalty.

Each of these brands demonstrates how aligning with consumer values can create a distinct and compelling brand identity.

Strategies for Communicating Brand Values

Effective communication of brand values is pivotal for connecting with consumers. It involves:

  • Authentic Storytelling: Narratives that reflect genuine brand values resonate deeply with audiences. This approach should convey the brand's mission and vision in a relatable and sincere manner.
  • Consistent Messaging Across All Platforms: Uniformity in conveying brand values across different channels is crucial. Consistency ensures that the brand's message is reinforced, regardless of where the consumer interacts with the brand.
  • Transparency and Honesty: Consumers value transparency. Brands that openly share their practices, challenges, and commitments can build stronger trust with their audience.
  • Engaging Visual and Verbal Communication: Utilizing compelling visuals and clear, impactful language helps in effectively communicating the brand's values.
  • Interactive and Inclusive Campaigns: Involving consumers in dialogues and campaigns can deepen their connection to the brand's values.

Each of these strategies plays a vital role in how consumers perceive and interact with a brand, influencing their decision to align with it.

Challenges in Aligning Brand and Personal Values

Aligning a brand's values with those of its consumers is a complex endeavor. Authenticity stands as a paramount challenge, as today's discerning consumers can easily detect inauthentic value propositions. In addition, the dynamic nature of consumer values necessitates brands to be adaptable and responsive, making relevance a moving target. This alignment is further complicated by the need to balance value-driven initiatives with overarching business goals. Global brands face an additional layer of complexity, needing to resonate with diverse values across various cultures and regions. Overcoming consumer skepticism in a crowded marketplace requires a consistent and honest approach. Addressing these multifaceted challenges demands a nuanced understanding of both the brand's identity and the evolving values of its audience.


In a world increasingly focused on genuine human connections, a brand that truly understands and aligns with its consumers' aspirations, values, and identity holds the key to success. Such alignment in messaging and marketing transcends mere transactions, fostering a profound bond. It's about resonating with the consumer at a deeper level, where the brand not only reflects but also elevates their sense of self. Brands that achieve this not only succeed in the market; they earn a cherished place in the hearts and minds of their audience.

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Meet Cody Strate: A Revenue-Driven Tech Marketer and Thought Leader




Personal Values and Brand Perception: Building a Relatable Brand